Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chapter 6 'Hm! White Boy! You Got No Business Here!'

I can imagine the teenagers at Chilocco thinking of things to do to pass time and have fun.  What surprised me is when they said one of the guys would kill a chicken and the girls would try and sneak the chicken in so they may cook it!  Or when they would lay a mattress down and choke each other until they were knocked out! Or making their own alcohol! Wow, sounds quite odd, but probably was somewhat entertaining to them and is maybe even considered normal, unruly teenage behavior.  They sure liked to cross the boundaries when they were bored, but who wouldn't?! 

It was also interesting to see how a lot of them stuck with their own tribal members.  Maybe back then, it might of been more easy and comfortable to stick with what you know.  Can you imagine if it was like that here at Tribes or at Haskell?  Makes me think of how it would be.

I also liked how they talked about good old fashioned fighting.  It seems like there would be a squabble and then it would be settled.  Even though they called some of their groups gangs, it is nothing like what gangs are today.


  1. The students made the best of what they had. I liked the part that they would get away with all the stuff they did. It’s crazy because when I go somewhere and I see people from home, I usually hang out with them. Could be across the United States and I will be hanging out with people from the Fort Berthold. lol..Looks like you and Shorty first day on UTTC

  2. LOL! Always got jokes.. I agree with your part about being all the way across the country but still hang out with people from home. That's crazy how that works. It's just fun experiencing some place new with people you know.

  3. Back then I believe the only way to settle a dispute is their squabbles they did have. I think it was easier that way after they had their fight they would be done with it and their matter would be settled.
